Our Story

Rakusei is a Japanese name that translates to revitalization in English. Rakusei is therefore a process of making something grow, develop and become successful  again thus a total completion. We are guided by compassion, acceptance, respect, empowerment, and sincerity. We demonstrate this in part by working with you to ensure your mental wellness through development of your recovery goals and tailor made treatment plan that is unique to you. We utilize a holistic approach to health by providing a wide range of psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy services which are tailored to individuals needs helping you in your path to healing and recovery. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental disorders e.g. depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar and substance use disorders.
Please contact us today for a free and confidential assessment.


The Nairobi Rakusei Mental Health is accredited by Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Council (KMPDC).


Our Core Values

Our focus is on quality of care and service to our patients through (CARES):
• Compassion - towards the community we serve
• Acceptance - of everyone's right to compassionate care
• Respect - of everyone's unique path towards their own wellbeing
• Empowerment - for everyone to have a voice and participate in their  own care
• Sincerity - in how we treat each other every day.

Our Mission

To put back smiles on people with mental health and wellbeing challenges.